AY 2022-2023
1. Adrivan, Kriz Kevin C. (MS candidate Mar 2023) —Lattice Semicon Intern, GRIP Program*, DOST-ERDT µC-IC researcher, and currently as Supervising Research Science Specialist of DOST CIDR Proj4.
2. Andam, Mark Eric C. —currently as Project Technical Specialist III of DOST CIDR Proj4.
3. Librado, Ritt Vincent A. —currently as Project Technical Specialist IV of DOST CIDR Proj4.
4. Quinalayo, Johanna Mae B. —DOST-ERDT µC-IC researcher, currently as Project Technical Specialist IV of DOST CIDR Proj4.
AY 2021-2022
1. Susie, Maestre P. —(Lattice Semiconductor Intern, GRIP Program)* , currently in academe as full-time faculty.
AY 2020-2021
1. Toledo, John Xavier P. — (Lattice Semiconductor Intern, GRIP Program)* , currently working at Analog Devices.
AY 2019-2020
1. Calam, Ramon Cristopher M. —DOST-PCIEERD Researcher of the µC-IC project and currently working at Analog Devices.
2. Jimenez, Kresil Joy —currently in academe as lecturer.
AY 2017-2018
1. Empas, Paul Emmanual G. — currently in academe as full-time faculty.
AY 2017-2018
1. Arellano, Aileen Chris C. (Analog Devices Intern, GRIP Program)*
2. Berido, Rovil S. —DOST-PCIEERD Researcher of the µC-IC project, and was connected at ADI as IC designer.
3. Maglinte, Kevin O. (Lattice Semiconductor Intern, GRIP Program)*, —currently in academe as faculty.
4. Salem, Arcel R. (Lattice Semiconductor Intern, GRIP Program)*, —currently in academe as faculty.
AY 2016-2017
1. Calimpusan, Re-Ann Cristine O.
2. Escabal, Ingrid B. (Lattice Semiconductor Intern, GRIP Program)*, currently in academe as faculty.
3. Geralla, Leo B. (Lattice Semiconductor Intern, GRIP Program)*, —currently at Xinyx as IC Designer.
4. Sabarillo, Rochelle M, —DOST-PCIEERD Researcher of the µC-IC project and currently in academe as lecturer.
5. Vergara, Thesa Ll. (Analog Devices Intern, GRIP Program)*, —currently in academe as faculty.
AY 2015-2016
1. Esic, Jhon Ray M. (Lattice Semiconductor Intern, GRIP Program)*, currently working at ADI as IC Designer.
2. Mangca, Darwin C. (Analog Device Intern, GRIP Program)*, —currently in academe as faculty.
AY 2014-2015
1. Gorospe, John Michael A. —(Analog Devices Intern, GRIP Program)*, —currently at ADI as IC Designer.
2. Jilluh, Qadier Idres —(Xinyx Design Intern, GRIP Program)*, —currently at ADI.
3. Tolete, John Michael C. —(Lattice Semiconductor Intern, GRIP Program)*, —currently at ADI.
AY 2013-2014
1. Abingosa, Marion Rey —(Lattice Semicon Intern, GRIP Program)*, currently working at ADI as IC Designer.
2. Capilayan, Mycel A. — (Xinyx Design Intern, GRIP Program)*, —currently in academe as faculty.
3. Gatal, Jennibeth F. —(Lattice Semiconductor Intern, GRIP Program)* —currently in academe as faculty.
4. Husayan, Gladdy Christine G. —(Lattice Semiconductor Intern, GRIP Program)*, —currently in academe as faculty.
5. Santillan, Jofrey F. —currently working at ADI as IC Designer.
AY 2012-2013
1. Amaya, Alvin B. —currently working at ADI as IC Designer.
2. Mercado, Harvey T. —currently working at ADI as IC Designer.
*GRIP - Graduate Research Internship Program (Industry partnered research thesis execution and/or actual live project participation related to IC design).